Tarih: 05 Nisan 2021

DouOnlineSınav Information

You will be able to view the list of midterms exams for the courses you are registered with in the Spring of 2020-2021 Academic Year and, on the exam date, you will be able to attend the exam of the relevant course. It is important that you take necessary precautions before you start the exam and it is the students' responsibility to take these measures.

Before and After the Exam

  • For the exam to be started, "Start Exam Now" button needs to be activated. If this button does not appear on the page, it means the exam period has not started yet.

  • You can start the exam between the start and end dates.

  • The exam will be closed at the end of the specified "exam attendance period", regardless of any time limits.

  • A timer showing the remaining time will be available throughout the exam.

  • The exam layout can be free or sequential as the instructor of the course will see fit. In exams with sequential layout, the questions will appear in the exact same order. Students will not be able to move forward or backward. Nor will they be able to return to the previous unanswered question.

  • There will not be negative marking for every four wrong answers.

  • Students who fail to perform the actions to be prompted as "After answering all the questions, click on Finish Attempt and then on Submit All and Finish" at every question during the exam will not receive an exam score.

  • When submitting and sharing assignment/project files larger than 20mb, the files must be uploaded to Microsoft One Drive for Business Portal, our corporate platform, and the instructor of the course must be "authorized" to access the files. The link to the file must be shared in the assignment/project upload area on DouonlineSinav.

  • The announced exam dates must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent any technical problems due to increased activity on the website.

During the Exam

  • In the event that the exam is interrupted due to power failures or connection problems, students can log in to the system again during the exam and resume their exam using another device (such as mobile phones, computers, tablets). Students will be able to resume their exams from where they left within the time limit. As this will happen during the exam, the students must log on to the system again as quickly as possible and take all necessary precautions beforehand.

  • Students will not be given additional time, nor will they be entitled to take the exam again.

  • Students failing to log in to the system or to start the exam within the specified exam attendance time will be graded as "not attended".

  • Make-up exams will be planned by the unit the students are registered with under the resolution of the Deanship/Directorate following the submission of justified requests by the students (via email or petitions in person).  

Exam Security

  • All rights to the exams are reserved. It is prohibited to copy, take a photo of, reproduce in any way, publish or use all or a part of the exams for any purpose whatsoever without the permission of the university. Legal action will be taken against those confirmed to have violated this prohibition.

  • All activity (log) by the users accessing the exam system will be recorded. (Successful/failed attempts to log in to the system and the reasons, device information, IP details, navigation through the questions/pages, waiting times, answers marked etc.)

  • Those confirmed to have sat another student's exam or have another student sit their exams, engage in actions jeopardizing the security of the exam or engage in disgraceful or discreditable conduct in a manner that is unbecoming to a student will be subjected to disciplinary action as per Student Disciplinary Regulations for Higher Education Institutions and their exams will be deemed invalid.